What Exactly Do Kitchen Cupboards Cost in South Africa? | City Cupboards®. Well, I managed to get the team here at City Cupboards® to dig a bit deeper. Click for more.

How Much Do Kitchen Cupboards Cost in South Africa?


So, what exactly do kitchen cupboards cost in South Africa?

Well, I managed to get the team here at City Cupboards® to dig a bit deeper and this is what we'ce managed to find -

The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. It's where meals are prepared, family gatherings take place, and memories are made. If you're planning to renovate your kitchen and its cupboards or build a new one, it's essential to understand the costs involved. In this blog post, we will delve into the cost of a a new kitchen along with new kitchen cupboards in South Africa, focusing on various factors that influence these costs.



What Exactly Do Kitchen Cupboards Cost in South Africa? | City Cupboards®. Well, I managed to get the team here at City Cupboards® to dig a bit deeper. Click for more.



Cost of Kitchen Renovation

The cost of renovating a kitchen in South Africa can vary greatly depending on several factors. These include the size of your kitchen, the materials you choose for your countertops and flooring, and whether you decide to change the layout or keep it as it is.

On average, a basic small-to-medium sized kitchen renovation can cost between R30 000 to R50 000. This would typically include new cabinets, countertops, sink and tap fixtures, wall tiles and paint. However, if you're looking at high-end finishes like granite or quartz countertops, custom-built cabinets or high-end appliances, you could be looking at upwards of R100 000.


Understanding Kitchen Cupboards Costs

One of the most significant expenses when renovating or building a new kitchen is undoubtedly the kitchen cupboards. The price for these can vary greatly depending on their size, material used and whether they are custom-made or ready-made units.

Ready-Made vs Custom-Made Cupboard Units

Ready-made cupboard units are pre-manufactured in standard sizes and designs. They are usually cheaper than custom-made units but may not fit perfectly into your specific kitchen layout or design vision. We have a range of great ready-made kitchen cupboard units that are suited to majority of all kitchens.

On the other hand, custom-made cupboard units are designed specifically for your space and needs. Although they tend to be more expensive than ready-made ones due to labour costs involved in their production process; they offer better quality and fit perfectly into your kitchen.

In South Africa, ready-made kitchen cupboard units can cost anywhere from R1 000 to R5 000 per unit, while custom-made units can range from R5 000 to R15 000 per unit or more depending on the design and materials used.



What Exactly Do Kitchen Cupboards Cost in South Africa? | City Cupboards®. Well, I managed to get the team here at City Cupboards® to dig a bit deeper. Click for more.



Material Costs

The material of the kitchen cupboards also significantly influences the cost. Melamine is a popular choice due to its affordability and durability. A melamine kitchen cupboard unit can cost between R1 000 to R3 000 per linear meter.

Solid wood cupboards are another option that offers a timeless and classic look. However, they are more expensive than melamine, with prices ranging from R5 000 to R10 000 per linear meter depending on the type of wood used.

Other materials like veneer and high-gloss finishes also offer a modern look but come at a higher price point.


Installation Costs

Finally, don't forget about installation costs when budgeting for your kitchen cupboards. Depending on the complexity of the installation and whether you hire a professional or do it yourself, this could add an additional 10% to 20% to your total cost. This is one of the main reasons we keep all of our kitchen cupboards freestanding.


What Exactly Do Kitchen Cupboards Cost in South Africa? | City Cupboards®. Well, I managed to get the team here at City Cupboards® to dig a bit deeper. Click for more.





In conclusion, while it's challenging to give an exact figure without knowing specific details about your project, you can expect to spend anywhere between R30 000 to over R100 000 for a full kitchen renovation in South Africa. The cost of kitchen cupboards alone can range from as little as R1 000 per unit for basic ready-made units up to over R15 000 for custom-made solid wood units and this is why we help you create a beautiful kitchen with our cupboards while helping you get the highest value for money.

Remember that while renovating or building a new kitchen requires significant investment, it's also an investment in your home's value and your quality of life. Therefore, it's essential not only to consider costs but also quality and functionality when planning your dream kitchen.

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